About Us

SHALINI CABS PRIVATE LIMITED The Corporate Identity Number of the Company is U63030MH2022PTC385955  The Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the company is ABICS8823R, by the director and founder Mr. Dattanand Shripad Palankar. The company has been into the travel business since 2008 under the name of Shalini Travels and has been providing its services in the Mumbai metropolitan area for local as well as outstation trips.

The company Shalini Cabs was introduced to gear up the market on a larger scale in terms of fleet, and the rental taxi business. It uses the model of DSE i.e. Driver Subscriber Entrepreneur for the well-being of the driver as well as to bring uniformity to all the taxi businesses thus avoiding discrepancy and any biased behavior with the subscriber. Aiming to create a level-playing field for all taxi operators and to bring app-based aggregators within the regulatory framework. The state transport department will introduce a new taxi scheme.

We have expertise in human resource management, specializing in the transport sectors for managing the scheme and will be providing the drivers with training facilities regarding defensive driving, technical expertise, financial analysis, courtesy, and behavior to treat passengers “ATITHI DEVO BHAVA” to promote tourism.

Mr. Dattanand Shripad Palankar

Director of Company

He belongs to a goldsmith family and has fifteen years of experience in the goldsmith management field. He has been in the computer programming field since 1999 & was successful in developing & programming a gold testing machine during that time.
He was inspired by the fleet taxi companies in Mumbai, for learning the business. He joined Meru cabs as a driver in 2009. He used his time at Meru to learn how to manage a successful fleet taxi business, He was also a Union Leader Meru Cabs Chalak Sena. what difficulties the drivers faced, and how to develop better technologies. He had given many suggestions to the company as their union leader. He faced many difficulties for the drivers in this business, and he knows what difficulties they face in this business. He then decided to get into the fleet taxi business for the welfare of the drivers. Know he is General Secretary of Maharashtra App Based Taxi Chalak Malak Sena,

He gained knowledge about various technologies including GPS, MDT (Mobile Data Transmitter). He has developed a unique algorithm for both the drivers as well as for the customers, which is vastly superior when compared to the other companies in the market.